Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Copyrights - Where to Begin?

Copyrights...Where to Begin?!

This picture tells it all in my opinion! This is Princess Marguerite Brunnehilde Browning-Smith, my 14 year old Maine Coon. When we were moving last year I had to stack a ton of stuff on a side desk - she decided to guard it. When I looked at the picture, I realized how funny. The desk is full of stuff, and she is sitting on the keyboard.

There is so much stuff and a feline in the middle - WHERE TO BEGIN?! That is the way it is for so many when it comes to copyrights. You've been creating art for so long and if you are like most, you haven't been registering it. You know you should, but now...there are "stacks" to be registered and a "cat" (i.e. lack of time, money, knowledge, etc.) stopping you from this important task. Well...take heart dear friends...you are not alone.

This month of October, as promised, we will be tackling copyrights together. We will look at what they are, how to go about registering them, what they mean, etc. This may take more than October, but it is a start. If there are specific topics you are interested in, please feel free to leave comments or email. We will see what we can do to help the cause.

It's time to slowly but surely start to remove the stacks and get the cat off the keyboard. She may not be happy, but you will be in the long run!

Here's to a GREAT month - and let's find lots to harvest in your art!

Create with your heart and your head!



Margot Potter said...

Hey Tammy

Jewelry copyrights are tricky, yes? Is it even possible to copyright jewelry or craft designs? I do for my books and my blog has a copyright license on it and I ALWAYS put COPYRIGHT and TM on ideas I want to protect.

When does one need to pay for a copyright and when is it not worth it?

I'm tired of my work being ripped off endlessly!

Margot Potter

Robin Beam said...

Hey, Tammy:

Love the pic of Margeurite...she looks so, "WHY are you taking my picture AGAIN!"

Copyrights are quite the tricky one, especially when you don't file it and you can argue that you have one, right?


The Fine Print!

Since there may be legal discussions going on...there must be a disclaimer!

This blog is for educational and information purposes only. It does not constitute the practice of law. The attorney who writes this blog is only licensed in the State of Ohio and Michigan. There is NO attorney-client relationship of any type. You must sign appropriate documenation and have appropriate new client counseling to be a client of Browning-Smith, P.C. Each and every situation is different and all readers must seek his or her own legal counsel. The information on this blog is not guaranteed for any purposes nor is it to be relied on.