Sunday, September 23, 2007


Thanks to the encouragement of numerous friends (check out my links), I now have a blog. I've always tried to stay away from them as many people don't really want to hear the ramblings of an attorney. However, I've been told over and over again - I'm not like your typical attorney.

Since I practice in a unique field of law, I decided to give it a try. Some days, it will just be ideas or what is going on in the office. I can guarantee you that some times it will be things like "Don't do this at home" or "Look what you can do!" No matter what, you will not find a list of my clients unless I get specific permission. However, you will find lots of fun stories, etc. I'd love to hear your ideas and what you'd like to see.

Here's to a GREAT adventure!

1 comment:

Robin Beam said...

Congrats, Tammy! I'm happy to be your first comment, and alas, it's from another attorney. I'm sure there's a lot of jokes about that people coudl come up with but I'm so glad to know you and be friends both in law and creativity.

YOU Rock!
Inky Hugs,

The Fine Print!

Since there may be legal discussions going on...there must be a disclaimer!

This blog is for educational and information purposes only. It does not constitute the practice of law. The attorney who writes this blog is only licensed in the State of Ohio and Michigan. There is NO attorney-client relationship of any type. You must sign appropriate documenation and have appropriate new client counseling to be a client of Browning-Smith, P.C. Each and every situation is different and all readers must seek his or her own legal counsel. The information on this blog is not guaranteed for any purposes nor is it to be relied on.